Bac Giang specially respects cooperative tie with Xaisomboun province: provincial Party Secretary Duong Van Thai

At the invitation of the Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Xaisomboun province Phoikham Houngbounyuang, a delegation of Bac Giang province led by member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and head of the provincial delegation of National Assembly deputies Duong Van Thai paid a working visit to Xaisomboun province, Laos from 27 to 29 November. This visit is aimed to continue realizing the cooperation agreement between the two provinces signed in August 2021.


A view at the talkshow

The delegation was attended by some members of the provincial Standing Party Committee including Lam Thi Huong Thanh, permanent Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Council, permanent Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Mai Son, Chief of the provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Inspection Nguyen Thi Huong, Head of the provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Mass mobilization Pham Van Thinh, Chief Commander of the provincial Military Command Le Van Thang, leaders of some departments, agency, the People’s Committee of Luc Ngan district and some enterprises.

A talkshow between leaders of both provinces was held on November 28, which was hosted by the Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Xaisomboun province Phoikham Houngbounyuang, Lieutenant general, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, members of the provincial Standing Party Committee and leaders of the departments and agencies of Xaisomboun province.

In implementation of the guidelines of the Party and State on developing cooperative relations among localities of Vietnam and Laos, the People’s Committee of Bac Giang province and the Government of Xaisomboun province signed a cooperation agreement in the period from 2021 to 2025 in August 2021. In order to realize this agreement, Bac Giang province sent a survey team to Xaisomboun province, a high-ranking delegation of Xaisomboun province visited Bac Giang province and both sides have boosted communicating the socio-economic development and the special traditional relations of the two countries and both provinces.Bac Giang province also received and supported 3 officers and students from Xaisomboun to study Vietnamese in Vietnam to prepare for undergoing bachelor degree programme in Bac Giang.

These activities have contributed to strengthening initial mutual understanding between the Party Committee, government and people of both provinces.

The working visit of Bac Giang province to Xaisomboun is significant to continue fostering mutual understanding and boosting cooperation for mutual development contributing to nurturing the close and trust relationship of the two nations.

The Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Xaisomboun province Phoikham Houngbounyuang speaks at the talk show

At the talk show, the Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Xaisomboun province Phoikham Houngbounyuang warmly welcomed the Party Secretary of Bac Giang province and the working delegation to Xaisomboun province while expressed his thanks for the attention, sharing and cooperation of Bac Giang province so far.

Besides, he briefed on the situations, advantages and difficulties facing the province, He stressed, Xaisomboun province has seen positive development with stable political security and good economic growth rate (7 percent in 2022) and increased annual budget revenues.

To date, the province has attracted 183 investment projects. It is focusing on the 2 national agendas which is surmounting economic difficulties and handling drug issue.

He highly evaluated the proactiveness of Bac Giang province in implementing the cooperative activities of the two provinces such as carrying out survey, provide technical training and building agricultural models.

The delegates of Bac Giang province at the talkshow

The Secretary of Bac Giang Party Committee Duong Van Thai thanked the leaders of Xaisomboun province for their warm and friendly welcome while he expressed his pleasure at the achievements in building the political system, socio-economic development, national defense and security of Xaisomboun so far.

He believed Xaisomboun province would make dramatic development in coming time especially in some sectors of their potentials including agricultural and forestry production, power production, industry and mineral exploitation.

He stressed, Bac Giang province pays special attention and the province will make highest efforts to support Xaisomboun according to the cooperation agreement.

Accordingly, after the meeting between leaders of the two provinces in Bac Giang in May 2022, the leaders of Bac Giang province directed to boost bilateral delegation exchanges, support Vietnamese language training for 3 students of Xaisomboun at Hanoi University who will be funded to study in Bac Giang University of Agriculture and Forestry after they meeting language criteria.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development was directed to make plan to support building agricultural models. Besides, the province plans to receive a delegation of outstanding farmers from Xaisomboun to visit agricultural models in Bac Giang province.

The agencies, units and localities of Bac Giang province were urged to sign more cooperation agreements with their counterparts in Xaisoumboun. Bac Giang province will inform enterprises on the province to seek for investment opportunities in Laos and Xaisomboun.

The Secretary of Bac Giang Party Committee Duong Van Thai voices at the talkshow

In coming time, competent agencies of Bac Giang province will continue supporting Xaisomboun province in the fields of agriculture, health, education and training, officer training, culture, sports and tourism, social order and security amd poverty reduction.

The provincial Secretary Duong Van Thai hoped that both provinces would promote their results and surmount shortcomings and obstacles in distance, languages and different policies to implement more effectively  the cooperation contents.

On this occasion, Bac Giang province funded Xaisonboun province 3 billion VND to build a school and gave a number of medical tools. Leaders of Xaisomboun province gave souvenirs to the delegates of Bac Giang province.

Within the programme, leaders of both provinces witnessed MOU signing ceremony between the Women’s Union of both provinces, between Luc Ngan district (Bac Giang province) and Anouvong district (Xaisomboun province) and between BAGICO Joint Stock Company and Xaisomboun Development Fund.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the provincial Secretary Duong Van Thai and Phoikham Houngbounyuang expected the related agencies and units to strengthen close collaboration for effective implementation of the cooperation agreements. If they face any obstacles during implementation, they should report the leaders of both provinces for resolving.

The delegates of two provinces pay homage to Laos-Vietnam Combat Alliance Monument in Anouvong district.

Previously, the delegation of Bac Giang province and leaders of Xaisomboun province paid homage to Laos-Vietnam Combat Alliance Monument in Anouvong district

* Besides, the delegates visited some destination in Xaisomboun such as the symbol of Xaisomboun province, Anouvong Monument and the Voice and Television Center

Below are some images of the working delegation

The signing ceremony of cooperative agreement between the Women’s Union of two provinces

Leaders of Luc Ngan and Anouvong districts ink cooperative agreement

Bagico Joint Stock Company and Xaisomboun Development Fund ink the deal of cooperation

The Secretary of Bac Giang provincial Party Committee Duong Van hands over expense to support the school construction to leader of Xaysomboun province

The Secretary of the Party Committee and Governor of Xaysomboun province Phoikham Houngbounyuang presents souvenir to the delegation of Bac Giang province.

Leaders of two provinces and representatives

Quoc Truong

Ngoc Quyen (translated)

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