Bac Giang to realize cooperation agreement with Xaisomboun province, Laos in period of 2021-2025

The People’s Committee of Bac Giang province has issued the Plan No 481/KH-UBND dated August 25, 2022 on implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between Bac Giang province and Xaisomboun, Laos in the period of 2021-2025.

Accordingly, the plan is to realize and effectively implement the Cooperation Agreement between Bac Giang province and Xaisomboun, Laos in the period of 2021-2025, foster mutual understanding and contribute to nurturing the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

The plan No 481/KH-UBND replaced the plan No 667/KH-UBND dated December 12, 2021 of the provincial People’s Committee of Bac Giang province on implementation of the cooperation agreement between the two sides.

Illustrative photo

The plan includes the following contents: promoting and educating the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos and the relationship of Bac Giang and Xaisomboun provinces, high-ranking delegation exchanges, cooperation in Party, government and union enhancement and public official training, cooperation in agriculture and rural development, cooperation in education and training, cooperation in healthcare, cooperation in culture, sports and tourism, people-to-people relations and other sectors.

According to the plan, Bac Giang will send experts to survey and evaluate some proposals of Xaisomboun province for adequate investment and support in the period of 2022-2030. Besides, Luc Ngan district in Bac Giang province will sign memorandum of understanding (MOU) on establishing local-level cooperative relationship with Anuvong district, Xaisomboun province and the provincial Women’s Union of Bac Giang province will sign MOU on cooperation with its counterpart in Xaisomboun in 2022. Annually, both provinces will organize conferences and exhibitions (in-person or virtual methods) to promote the key products of Bac Giang and Xaisomboun.

Lam Anh


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